there are many different ways to train the high school collected movements, Piaffe, Passage, etc. but the rider must know which method is the correct one for the horse which he is working with. while some horses will respond real well with work in hand to get started and familiarized with the high demand of work, others are too sensitive for this work and should be left for under saddle work but o...nly when the time is right. the expert will be able to communicate with his horse in such a way that there is not too much time lost in trying to figure out the method or methods to be employed. also, while the piaffe and passage can be started from, the half step trot, the trot or the walk, at times it will also be only successful if the one depends on the other. for example some horses will not be capable of doing a good quality piaffe and so he must learn the passage first, then the latter can be reduced in length of stride until the passage is on the spot, piaffe, to then release the impulsion forward again. the passage in the same way will at times depend on the piaffe, and only after perfecting the piaffe and learning to flex properly the three joints of the hind leg, will this type of horse be able to spring from one diagonal to the next out of the perfect piaffe, into a good passage. when the basics are established well and the horse is given time to be strong the collected movements will come with ease, when that is the case, it is actually the horse and not the rider who will dictate the correct method for him, but the rider must be able to detect this or he will be like a blindfolded man getting through a complicated maze. it really is a piece of cake. good night everyone.See More
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