Sunday, March 20, 2011

mane and tail

Have you ever seen a horse with a long mane and tale, to the point of almost hitting the ground? I saw a lady ride a grey Andalusian Stallion at a show once and the mane and tail of that thing where so long it amazed me. I have been around horses my whole life, and especialy the Iberian breeds, and well those things generally have lots of mane and tale. This horse that I saw though had so much hair, even I was very impressed. The first thing that came to my mind was "WOW" the second thing was "I feel sorry for who ever has to wash that" anyway in my last post I added a link to both my website and a link to a website of some hair growing tips for horses yes I got the program and yes I am using it. It was not as great as the ad says but I did get my money's worth. If you didn't get the link here it is: 

I don't know about you, but for me, a lot of mane adds a lot of "look at me" to a horse. The down side to this is that it requires a lot of work. If you don't have someone to help you groom maybe a lot of mane and tale is not such a great idea, unless of course you like to groom.

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